Metropolitan Police Commanders and various leading political figures. This year, we encourage everyone to celebrate Peace Week in their local communities.
The London Leadership and Peace Awards recognise members of the community who have demonstrated an exemplary aptitude for building stronger, safer and inclusive communities. Nomination and award winners have come from Londoners from all walks of life including, young people, community activists, corporate leaders, police officers, faith leaders, youth projects, hospitals and many other inspirational individuals and groups. The event is regularly hosted at prominent Central London hotels and both the Week of Peace and the Awards Dinner has continually been endorsed by the Prime Minister, Home Secretaries, Metropolitan Police Commanders and various leading political figures. This year we encourage everyone to celebrate Peace Week in their local communities.
If you would like to make a financial contribution to The Community Food Hub.
Nominations for the London Leadership & Peace Awards Dinner will open on The International Day of Peace!
If you would like to place a nomination please click here

Modern Day Slaves are often hidden in plain sight, with some forced to work long hours for little or no pay at cheap car washes, nail salons and in the construction industry. Organ harvesting and enforced criminality are also prevalent on our streets with a growing number of British children groomed into drug trafficking. There is evidence to suggest many of the serious assaults and murders of our young people are in fact the results of Modern Slavery Gangs punishing those that try to escape.
Statistics show that these gangs are well organized, with the crime on the increase because it carries limited risk. As a result, no one is exempt from being targeted by ruthless trafficking gangs, whose business is to commodify human beings.
Suspected victims of tracking (GB)
Rise since 2013
The Peace Alliance has resolved to confront Modern Day Slavery head on by bringing it to the fore of our agenda for London. Through undertaking detailed research and compiling a report, we will identify:
- All the impacts of MDS on London society
- The geographical hotspots for Human Trafficking
- The activities that lead to enslavement of London citizens
The report will propose solutions that tackle these issues and lay the foundation for a MDS and Human Trafficking charter for London that all stakeholder groups will be invited to join.
The Peace Alliance will endeavour to promote awareness through Events, Press and Media Support with the sole aim of illuminating the problem of trafficking to make it difficult for these gangs to perpetrate slavery in London.
It is only through collaboration between the community, the private sector, NGOs, statutory agencies, faith groups and government that we will finally eradicate this crime.

The Young Peace Champions Programme is a Personal Development course that aims to support NEET, BME or other unrepresented unemployed young people or those who have little or no qualifications, by delivering comprehensive learning and development programmes for social and personal development. The programme provides the necessary learning environment and motivation to support these learners into long term, sustainable, employment.
“I plan to enrol at college, qualify and then go on to University. I want to take steps to improve myself to be a better parent to my children, start planning to start my own business and read more books to gain knowledge. I’ve learnt never to give up even when life gets tough”
“My main achievement during this programme would be realising my potential. I came out of prison onto this programme and it has completely changed my thinking. I’m now thinking out of the box. I’ve learnt the importance of ideas and more importantly, that my ideas can be turned into a business and career. I’m leaving the programme now with the intention of setting up my own business alongside another YPC member”

By getting residents to volunteer to be part of a Community Clean-up team to work in specific areas in their community, and in doing so, offer a framework and platform for future partnership, the project aims to foster closer relationships between residents, local businesses, schools, faith groups, community and statutory organisations and youth groups.
The project kicked off in Bruce Grove, a ward in Haringey on the 18th -23rd of October 2010 and another was held in Stroud Green from the 13th – 19th of November 2010 in partnership with the Haringey and Islington councils.
The misfortune of burying young people whose lives have been lost to gun crime and the chain of pain caused by this ill is carried by the words of family members left to mourn the loss of their loved ones.
The Peace Alliance produced a 10-lesson educational resource pack as a complementary tool to be used along side the “Untouchable?” 19 minute video/DVD. In this we hope to stimulate discussions both about the perception and reality of gun crime and its impact in local communities, through a range of active learning approaches.
Young people are encouraged to explore their own values and attitudes in relation to this topic. This highly sought after resource pack is one of the various responses to enable teachers to facilitate a robust debate and learning opportunity for young people.
- Emotional control & intelligence
- Building Resilience
- Mental Health Literacy
- Effective Decision- Making
- Dealing with relationships and empathy
- Consequences of crime / decisions
- Career Development
These lessons are delivered by our Peace Champions who have often come from similar backgrounds, thus allowing students to easily identify with them, increasing the effectiveness of the lessons. Our aim is to dissuade and prevent as many young people as possible from engaging in knife crime and support the development of key life skills that they will use throughout their lives.

Building on the success of our Young Peace Champions initiative, Exit seeks to change mindsets, build confidence, develop critical skills and create economic opportunities for young people not in education, employment or training, ex-offenders and long-term welfare recipients.

Exit aims to transform people’s lives, (re)integrate individuals into work and society, reduce levels of crime and reoffending, and (re)build understanding and commitment to active upright citizenship. The beneficiaries of the programme are among the most disadvantaged and marginalised individuals in London.
The organisation was formed in 2005 when an altercation at the college led to tensions arising between Turkish students and black students which was having an effect on the relationship between the black and Turkish people in the wider community. Eventually, through mediation, the tension slowly dissolved, but the students felt that in order to keep the peace they would form an alliance of students from different ethnic backgrounds.
- Build links between young people from different backgrounds
- Encourage people to acknowledge, discuss and appreciate their differences, and to prevent relations between communities, and individuals being harmed by ignorance, prejudice and fear.
3. Improve life skills and leadership skills of young people - Give young people a sense of ownership for they community
- The sessions should also build confidence and the aspirations of the young people involved.
Inside Out is a program aimed at young people from 11- 25 years of age, with the focus of empowering and developing them with facts and information that is relative and often life changing from team members that comprises of a wealth of experience, skills, and background from all walks of life.
The program tackles a whole host of issues that young offenders may experience, such as; stop and search (what are your rights ), life skills (personal development), what do many parents feel and experience when their son/ daughter ends up having to serve a sentence, work experience and employment for ex-offenders, mentoring and how to stop re-offending and much more.
Let’s talk is a partnership between the community and faith-based organisations which encouraged young people to join the discussion around youth-based crime. We drew on tools from previous Peace Alliance Initiatives such as “What’s the point?” and “Untouchable” in order to fuel the conversations and explore young people’s understanding of the challenges of youth-based crime.
The aim of this initiative was to bring young people into the discussion and involve them in coming up with solutions to these issues. By doing this, we were also able to question young people’s key values and address their insensitivity to crime.
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