
launched in July 2001 as a local initiative in Haringey, dedicated to tackle knife crime. Key partners from the Church, the Home Office, to the Metropolitan Police and the Borough Council, as well as local MPs, and community leaders pledged to work together to promote peace in Haringey.
The Peace Alliance now works nationally with key statutory agencies such as the Home Office and the Metropolitan Police advising on key policy issues. It has now been recognised as a successful model for partnership working and is currently working across London and the United Kingdom with several other key organisations.
The Peace Alliance is well known for its work in gun and other violent crimes, youth crime, working with victims and families of victims of crime as well as young people to reduce crime in communities.

Proper P arenting
Effective E ducation
Celebrate A chievement
Mobilized C ommunities
Sustainable Enterprise
No young man or woman should be left behind by circumstance. We all have a duty to support those within our communities. We are dedicated to supporting parents, communities and organizations in providing the building blocks our youth need in order to excel.


The Peace Alliance’s key objective is to give everyone something to HOPE for. We achieve this by
H elping
O ther
P eople
E xcel
Our outreach mentoring and training programmes across London both directly and through our partnerships support those most at risk.


During a discussion between George Foreman and Nims Obunge MBE DL, George said “if you wake up in the morning and don’t have a dream, go back to sleep.” This inspired Nims Obunge to begin to think “what does it mean to dream.”
D evelop
R eal
E xamples
A nd
M entors
By exposing our youth to successful people who can provide real examples that they can relate to with clear example of how they have achieved their dreams, we show our young people how they can turn their dreams into reality.


Here at the Peace Alliance we believe in
B uilding
R elationships
A mong
C ultures
E verywhere
The aim of BRACE is to build links between people from different backgrounds, faiths and communities while encouraging them to acknowledge, discuss and celebrate their differences.


E ncourage our communities to understand and address key issues
M otivate and mobilise communities by securing adequate support and funding
P romote relevant initiatives and share best practise ideas
O rganise seminars and workshops to support parents, schools and youth clubs
W ork in partnership with relevant agencies from all sectors
E ducate and equip our communities with a strong focus on families
R estore a sense of community ownership and civic pride
This framework cuts across all four of our Beliefs by instilling the community with a sense of ownership and encouraging co-operation between different parts of the community in order to achieve Peace and Hope.

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